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Organic Chemistry and the New MCAT

…other 85% comprised of general chemistry, biochemistry, physics and biology. Section 3: Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems is just 5% organic chemistry with the other 95% comprised of…

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Organic Chemistry Study Tips: Quick Wins

…– learn them, know them, tattoo them on you somewhere. I plug Steven’s videos all the time – here’s one specific to hybridization. His full website is 30-40 minutes…

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Introduction to Free Radical Substitution Reactions

…safety conscious, and 3) a little crazy, fluorine gas is something you should never, ever work with. [youtube][/youtube]   Next Post In The Series: Introduction To Oxidative Cleavage Reactions  …

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Maybe they should call them, “Formal Wins” ?

…though he was the worst pitcher for the Braves that night. Them’s the rules. From Somewhere, Harvey Haddix is shaking his fist, asking “where is the justice?” A long…

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