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In Summary: Free Radicals

…of the most common classes of free-radical reactions is free-radical substitution. Here is an example of the reaction between methane and Cl2: 2. Homolytic Cleavage And “Single-Barbed” Curved Arrows Unlike…

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m-CPBA (meta-chloroperoxybenzoic acid)

…experimental work. Quiz Yourself! Here’s a quiz on identifying the relationship between products of epoxidation reactions. (Note – for more examples of these types of quizzes, see this post on…

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Alkene Addition Pattern #1: The “Carbocation Pathway”

…proceed through the same key steps. They all share the same pattern of regioselectivity and stereoselectivity. Learn one mechanism, learn them all! There’s one last wrinkle with this family…

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Hydroboration Oxidation of Alkenes

…single bonds form on the same face of the alkene. (Other examples of reactions that perform syn addition are catalytic hydrogenation and dihydroxylation). Addition to 1-methylcyclopentene, for example, produces only…

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Oxymercuration Demercuration of Alkenes

…(!) Oxymercuration is stereoselective for anti– addition products. When cyclohexene is treated with Hg(OAc)2 and water, for example, the new -OH and -Hg bonds always form on the opposite face…

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Halogenation of Alkenes and Halohydrin Formation

…is a racemic mixture of (S,S)-2,3-dibromobutane and (R,R)-2,3-dibromobutane. When trans-but-2-ene undergoes bromination, the product is (2S, 3R)-2,3-dibromobutane. This molecule has two chiral centers but is an achiral molecule overall due…

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Amine Practice Questions

These practice questions will test you on the nomenclature, reactions, and properties of amines, amides and other nitrogen-containing functional groups. Nomenclature Quiz#: 1291 Click to Flip Quiz#: 1292 Click to…

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