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Hydrohalogenation of Alkynes

…vinyl cations but only in strong acids. Aqueous acids are not even close. (H3O+ =-1.7, HBr = -9, HCl = -7). I would not be surprised if the strongest acids…

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Allylic Bromination

…Stabilize Free Radicals Bond Dissociation Energies = Homolytic Cleavage In Summary: Free Radicals Allylic Bromination Elimination Reactions (2): The Zaitsev Rule Alkene Stability Free Radicals Practice Quizzes (MOC Membership required)…

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Alkyne Hydroboration With “R2BH”

…hydroboration of alkynes, and it often appears in class notes and exams, in practice it’s more common to use dialkylboranes (R2BH) for hydroboration of alkynes. In a dialkylborane, two of…

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Bonus Topic: Allylic Rearrangements

…In the last post on allylic bromination, the examples used were actually quite simple. For example, if you take cyclopentene and treat with NBS and light (hv) in carbon tetrachloride…

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