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Reactions of Diazonium Salts

…available to MOC Members only. To get access to this page, plus over 1500 quizzes, the Reaction Encyclopedia, Org 1 / Org 2 summary sheets, and flashcards, sign up here…

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Boiling Point Quizzes

These questions will test your knowledge of the key trends that govern the relative ordering of boiling and melting points. Quiz#: 567 Click to Flip Quiz#:1237 Click to Flip Quiz#:1238…

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The Cyclohexane Chair Flip

complex 1H NMR spectrum. At low temperatures interconversions are slow; the chemical shifts of the axial and equatorial protons are resolved, and complex spin-spin couplings occur. At -100 °C, however,…

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Reactions and Mechanisms

The Organic Chemistry Reaction and Mechanism Guide will help you understand more than 185 of the most common reactions encountered in undergraduate organic chemistry. The guide covers all the necessary…

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Cyclohexane Conformations

…adamantane was thought to be relatively “strain-free”. (Adamantane was a pet topic of his, as one of his most highly-cited papers is a 1-page communication in JACS on the simple…

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