Master Organic Chemistry Reaction Guide

Alcohols To Ethers via Acid Catalysis

…(1-3), 327-335 DOI: 10.1016/S0920-5861(98)00440-4 This paper shows that the mechanism for formation of symmetrical ethers from secondary alcohols (e.g. isopropanol) is more complex, as bimolecular dehydration can compete with other…

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The Williamson Ether Synthesis

…gives you two alkyl halide + alkoxide combinations to choose from. Let’s start with a fairly easy example. See if you can come up with reasonable starting materials for the

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Alcohols – Acidity and Basicity

…stabilizes the conjugate base will increase acidity. Here’s another example. Compare ethanol (pKa 16) to 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol (pKa about 12). Why do you think trifluoroethanol is more acidic? Compare their conjugate…

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Organic Chemistry Practice Questions

…answer all the questions in your exams, we worked through hundreds of organic chemistry exams and put together 2500+ practice questions, inspired by real-world exams. These cover common and trick…

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On Cats, Part 2: Cat Line Diagrams

…cat science, I’ve lost any compunctions I might have had earlier. Want gratuitous cat pictures? You bet. Introducing the Cat Line Diagram But this blog is really about breaking new

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