Master Organic Chemistry Reaction Guide

Newman Projection Practice

Test yourself on all aspects of conformations and Newman projections, including identifying conformations, ranking the energies of various Newman projections, interconverting Newman projections, drawing energy diagrams for various conformations, and…

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Molecular Orbital Theory Practice

…MOC Membership *** The rest of this page is available to MOC Members only. To get access to this page, plus over 1500 quizzes, the Reaction Encyclopedia, Org 1 /…

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Grignard Reactions And Synthesis (2)

…puzzle completed, let’s now work backwards from our final product (this is called “retrosynthetic analysis” – for some specific examples with Grignard reactions, see the last post again) to come…

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…organic chemistry for many years to come. MOC has been featured on Chemical & Engineering News, Mixergy,, and BoingBoing I hope you find Master Organic Chemistry useful! – James…

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