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The Hofmann Elimination

…3. The “Hofmann Degradation” Back in 1851, not many techniques for analyzing complex molecules were available. One method for determining the structure of an unknown compound was to break it…

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s-cis and s-trans

…that there is free rotation about sigma bonds, so we say, “s-cis” and “s-trans” to distinguish it from “cis” and “trans” configurations which are locked. As we’ll soon see, in…

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Some Reactions of Azides

…Azide Salts: Acyl Azides Rearrangement of Acyl Azides: The Curtius Rearrangement More Examples of Azide Nucleophiles: Epoxide Opening And Conjugate Addition Notes (Advanced) References and Further Reading 1. The Azide…

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More On 1,2 and 1,4 Additions To Dienes

…bottom. But first, for completeness, let’s cover two other reactions of dienes that can lead to 1,2- and 1,4- addition products. Addition of HBr to dienes under free-radical conditions Addition…

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Reducing Sugars

Open-Chain Aldehyde So What Isn’t A Reducing Sugar? Saccharides Lacking A Hemiacetal Are NOT Reducing Sugars Complex Polysaccharides With A single Hemiacetal Unit (e.g. Starch) Are Not Reducing Sugars Test…

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