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Kinetic Versus Thermodynamic Enolates

…Also, unlike alkoxide bases RO(-), deprotonation goes to completion. So long as an excess of base is used, there is no equilibrium between the different enolates. [Note 5] LDA is…

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…back. Note: if you are a member and don’t see a download link, you need to log in first. [Download link hidden – Join here] Each reaction answer has a…

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…through the two-step addition-elimination mechanism. Generally speaking the formation of five- and six-membered rings is favored relative to opening of the ring, for reasons related to entropy. [Note 2] 4….

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Here is a quiz Become a member to see the clickable quiz with answers on the back.  …

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Job Openings at MOC

…that they would like more examples of various reactions, as well as more examples of synthesis and spectroscopy problems. I’m looking for a few exceptional individuals who *love* putting together…

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