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Introduction To UV-Vis Spectroscopy

…reflected, and orange is the complementary color of blue. For example, this molecule, Rhodamine B [Note 3] absorbs at about 560 nm (green) and appears red , the complimentary color…

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Kinetic Versus Thermodynamic Enolates

Kinetic versus Thermodynamic Enolates of Ketones Enolates have a lot in common with alkenes. They are flat and have a C-C pi bond. Zaitsev’s rule reminds us that alkene stability…

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…undergoes elimination (Step 5, form C-O (pi) break C-O) to give the protonated (new) ester, which then undergoes a final deprotonation (Step 6, break O-H) to give the new ester….

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Here is a quiz Become a member to see the clickable quiz with answers on the back.  …

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