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What’s a Racemic Mixture?

…Addition of HBr Example #3: Alkene Hydrogenation Example #4: SN2 Of Alkyl Halides Example #5: SN1 Of Alkyl Halides Example #6: Pre-existing chirality example Example #7: Fun With cis-But-2-ene Example…

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Putting It Together

for alkynes. Part 1. Asking “what’s new” ? A lot of students expect that they’ll be able to look at a synthesis problem and “just see the answer”. This is…

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Where Memorization Helps in O-Chem

comparative anatomy lab with a dead cat, shark, salamander and sea lamprey in an effort to cram almost 500+ different pieces of information into his skull for an exam this…

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Electrocyclic Reactions

…To Electrocyclic Ring-Opening Under Photochemical Conditions Summary: Thermal vs Photochemical Ring Opening and Closing Notes Quiz Yourself! References and Further Reading 1. Electrocyclic Ring-Opening of Cyclobutene To Give Butadiene The

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