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Common Blind Spot: Intramolecular Reactions

…quite sure what to do. Different example: the Friedel Crafts acylation between aromatic rings and acyl halides. Then, here’s the exact same reaction. Common result: hesitation. What happens? Last example:…

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Exploring Resonance: Pi-Donation

…electronegativity. However caution is advised when using electronegativity to compare π donation when going down the periodic table – other effects, such as orbital overlap, also come into play.  …

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Reagent Friday: Sodium Amide (NaNH2)

…also be another exciting announcement about the Reagent Guide coming up in the next little while or so… more details to come! What’s small, ferocious, and can fit into tight…

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Hydrates, Hemiacetals, and Acetals

…belt-buckle pin through an “electrophilic” belt notch. Mechanism for intramolecular hemiacetal formation (hover) or click link. If they can combine to form a 5- or 6-membered ring (i.e. reasonably free

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Synthesis (5) – Reactions of Alkynes

…note – in a large map such as this, compromises had to be made: it is impossible to maintain complete self-consistency between all the structures drawn for each functional group…

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How (and why) electrons flow

and specific? I’ve been going through Daniel Levy’s excellent book “Arrow Pushing in Organic Chemistry” (fuller review to come). The following excerpt nicely summarizes the driving force for electron flow…

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Hammond’s Postulate

Last week Diana left this comment: I recently had my first orgo exam and one of the concepts that I have trouble visceralizing is Hammond’s Postulate. I can follow the…

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