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Grossman’s Rule

…gives this example. As Stewie said, Grossman’s rule is also useful for reactions. Here’s some common examples. Don’t you think including the hidden hydrogens makes it a bit clearer what’s…

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Reagent Friday: NBS (N-Bromo Succinimide)

…of the double bond doesn’t compete as much. Allylic Bromination With NBS: How It Works Once Br2 is formed, the reaction proceeds much like other free-radical halogenation reactions: homolytic cleavage…

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Alkene Reactions: Ozonolysis

…a reaction that converts alkenes (and alkynes) to carbonyl compounds. It also has many commercial uses, such as disinfecting surfaces, rooms, and drinking water. Ozone can be conveniently generated on…

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Common Blind Spot: Intramolecular Reactions

…quite sure what to do. Different example: the Friedel Crafts acylation between aromatic rings and acyl halides. Then, here’s the exact same reaction. Common result: hesitation. What happens? Last example:…

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Alcohol Reactions Roadmap (PDF)

…and acids from each species. Here is the map in downloadable PDF format Here’s the big map. I welcome comments and suggestions – and would even pay for someone who…

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