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Hydrates, Hemiacetals, and Acetals

…hydrate formation, hemiacetal formation can happen under basic, neutral or acidic conditions. Basic conditions [RO– , ROH] provide another example of the classic “two-step” addition-protonation mechanism so common to these…

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Synthesis (5) – Reactions of Alkynes

…note – in a large map such as this, compromises had to be made: it is impossible to maintain complete self-consistency between all the structures drawn for each functional group…

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Hammond’s Postulate

Last week Diana left this comment: I recently had my first orgo exam and one of the concepts that I have trouble visceralizing is Hammond’s Postulate. I can follow the

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What’s a Transition State?

…An intermediate is a species at an energy minimum in a reaction coordinate, and is (in theory) isolable. Carbocations and free-radicals are examples of intermediates. Transition State = The Point…

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How to Get An A In Organic Chemistry

test, I would get psyched out. Practice STRENGTHS right before the test. This will build CONFIDENCE. Roll with the Punches: This class is tough and there were concepts that proved…

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